Enjoy the virtual world with the Interactive Scape
Posted On Friday, January 9, 2009 at di 9:45 AM by Andri
We recently wrote about a projection interactive table, Catchyoo iTable, where I lauded its interactivity, as well as its superiority to fixed interactive tables. Therefore, when I saw the Interactive Scape, the comparisons naturally continued, and I examined this new fixed interactive table to see how functional it is, as well as how it stacks against the iTable. I am pleased to announce that the Interactive Scape is an excellent interactive table. It performs just as well as the Microsoft Surface, except with a much larger surface (compare 58in with 30in), giving more room for group interaction. Just like the Microsoft Surface, it communicates with other devices using bluetooth and wireless interface.
However, against the iTable, its pretty much the same story: The portability of the projection-style interactive surface is just several times more viable in an age where the portable device is king. Think of it as having a laptop instead of a desktop. Laptop is fold-and-go, while desktop is more cumbersome. Let no one misunderstand me, every one of these interactive surface styles are revolutionary and progressive, so there is still a lot of good to be said about the Interactive Scape.
As a matter of fact, anyone who gets past the mobility issue will prefer the 1080 dpi HD display of the Interactive Scape to the projected image of the iTable, and will also love the multi-functionality of its inter-device communication.